
Jangho Creation Group Co., Ltd
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Corporate Mission

Fighting for Human Being′s Living Environment and Health

Since its establishment in 1999, Jangho has taken “fighting for Human Being’s Living Environment” as its mission and has been committed to providing green architectural system services and improving people’s living environment. When Jangho marched into the health care industry in 2015, its mission was further promoted as “Fighting for Human Being’s Living Environment and Health”. Jangho has been devoting itself to providing green architectural system and high-quality health care services through continuous technological innovation, model innovation and management innovation so as constantly improve people’s living environment and enhance human being’s health and well-being.

Corporate Strategy

  • Development Strategy

Adhere to the parallel development of architectural decoration business and health care business.
Adhere to the multi-brand collaborative development.
Adhere to the two-wheel drive development of business management and capital operation.

  • Management Idea

Adhere to the high-end.
Adhere to the international management idea.

  • Business Development Strategy

Our architectural decoration sector aims to providing green architectural system services, focusing on curtain wall and interior decoration. We are committed to sticking to the leadership strategy, speeding up technological innovation, strengthening intensive management and business collaboration, as well as promoting business standardization, systematization and integration so as to realize stable and sustainable development of the architectural decoration business.

Our health care sector aims to providing high-quality health care services, focusing on ophthalmology, third-party examination, and community hospitals. The acquisition of foreign high-end brands and the grafting onto the Chinese market and Chinese resources would promote our strategic cooperation with large medical groups. Through rapid replication, we can make health care industry bigger and stronger and achieve leapfrog development.

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